Discipleship & Leadership
Our weekly discipleship and leadership programs include the Barbara Jordan Leadership Training, Conversations on the Couch, and 1st Sunday Brunch.
Barbara Jordan Leadership Institute
Barbara Jordan was a remarkable leader and a trailblazer in American civil rights. She was born in Houston, Texas in 1936 and went on to become the first African American female from the South to be elected to Congress in 1972. Throughout her career, she fought for social justice and was a powerful voice for equality during the Civil Rights Movement. Barbara Jordan’s unique style of leadership was greatly admired by many, and she is remembered for her work in civil rights, education, criminal justice, public service and labor law. Her Wednesdays were often spent in the office working with members of Congress and other policy experts on issues related to civil rights, economic opportunity and social justice. Barbara Jordan’s legacy and incredible leadership will never be forgotten. Each Wednesdays at the TSU Wesley Foundation, members of the executive board meet with Pastor Tabitha to plan events, bible study fellowship lunches and game night. On Wednesdays we also work to find new and innovative ways to improve student and community life through our Wesley’s programs. We also work to strategically plan how we will assist Pastor Tabitha in making disciples on our campus. This Fall we plan to use Mr. O’nae Chatman’s book, “Life Skills for College Students,” for our Leadership Institute in hopes that we continue the work of developing bold leaders for Christ.

Leadership Lunch
Our leaders gather for lunch each Wednesday at noon. During this time we share visions for ministry at Wesley, finalize plans for upcoming activities, and then we go over topics pertaining to leadership. This past Wednesday we talked about career paths and how to best prepare ourselves for the journey.
Conversations on the Couch
Each Thursday at noon, our Wesley hosts Conversations on the Couch. During this event we invite peers from various organizations, dorms and clubs to come have lunch with us. Our student leaders then select a topic, write down the top five questions about that topic, and lead discussions on that topic. At the end of the event, we look at biblical truths about the topic.
I am extremely proud of the conversations that we’ve had this semester so far. Our students have discussed topics such as; real/healthy love, mass incarceration and the family structure, career paths, and police brutality. The student leaders have also selected topics for the remainder of the semester and those topics include, vision casting/vision board party, college and faith, and depression and anxiety.
1st Sunday Brunch
Each first Sunday of the month, we host Sunday Brunch. Sunday Brunch is our non traditional worship service. We gather at 1 pm, we have church and then we share brunch. Our very first Brunch went well. We also had special guests from the apartment homes across the street come out and worship with us. We enjoyed chicken and waffles and great fellowship with HouMin, the Lutheran Student Center on campus. We were blessed to have two students profess Christ and one student ask to be baptized this semester.